Where does the time go?

May 30,2022: It’s one year to the day since I started this blog. It’s been 9 months since I posted. (If I thought it was hard to keep up when we were on the trip around the Mitten, it's quadruply so when I'm working full-time. We sailed Twoflower as late as we could push it in the Fall and then laid her up for the winter on the hard. Last sail of 2021, October 23 We bought Twoflower with the mast up. So we really had no idea what to expect when we unstepped her. There was good and bad. Unstepping the Mast: Oct 30, 2022 Let me just say that the NSSC club members are awesome. With everything else, we ended up with a cold rainy day when the mast HAD to come down. Members left the warm inside to help us even though it was the day of the big MSU/UM football game. We had helped a few other boats unstep[ to try to learn the ropes (lines?), but we still needed technical help, and more muscle was absolutely critica...